Hello to all, a busy Christmas season is upon us now and students are busy learning the new tunes for next years upcoming competition season so remember, Christmas is a time to enjoy what you have with your friends and family. This also includes your piping ! Don't fall into that trap of taking the full two weeks off as you could set yourself back quite a ways from the progress you have already made this fall in the new tune learning. Give your pipes a blow now and then to keep them and the reeds from drying out and it will be much easier to get back into the swing in January. As my good friend Willie McCallum once told my son Alex when he was teaching him "it's not the practice everyday that wins you a gold medal, it's the fifteen minutes on those days where you didn't want to play that keep you in good form" Well said Willie
However, you may find you need a break just now so I might suggest a little self promotion at this time and let you know that from now until this saturday, you can hear yours truly playing on BBC's pipeline radio show http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00fn0fd
While I was over in Scotland last month for the Glenfiddich Championship and the London piping competition, I was contacted by Iain MacInnes to come in to the studio in Edinburgh and record some music for the radio show which aired live in Scotland last Saturday, Nov 22nd. It's always a tough task playing in the studio, most noticeable is the difficulty in keeping the lift and spirit in the tunes when you have to stand basically still in front of a microphone. All in all I was happy enough with the recording and the radio show also features a track from a great new album called Partners in Crime from Ross Ainslie and Jarleth Henderson. There are also little segments from the 78th Frasers live in Ireland recording and a feature from a new Greentrax recording with talking and playing of tunes from the great war.
I hope you enjoy and would love to hear if you have comments. The photo was taken late in the evening at the glenfiddich celidh while I was having a tune with Ross Ainslie.